Title of the paper: Immunity for Humanity: A Revolutionary Endeavour towards Holistic Health Living
Author Names: Mickey Mehta*, Dr. Ali Irani, Havovi Rana, Mansi Bhartiya
Journal name: Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research
Year: Feb, 2019
Volume: 16 / Issue: 2
Pages: 1639 - 1660 (22)
Publisher: Ignited Minds Journals
E-ISSN: 2230-7540
Link of the article: https://ignited.in/p/304785
Immunity is the human body's ability to resist toxins or organisms that cause damage to the tissues and organs, thereby demonstrating a defence mechanism for an improved quality of life. (Guyton and hall 2011)
Title of the paper: Immediate Effect of Hammer Tone on Hamstring Flexibility
Author Names: Tanisha Laul1 , Mansi Bhartiya2 , Ali Irani3
Journal name: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Link of the article: https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v10i10/SR211009002802.pdf
Abstract: Background: Hamstring tightness is one of the most common causes of hamstrings strains and injuries. Maintaining optimal Hamstring flexibility is key to prevent injuries. Hamstring tightness contributes to biomechanical dysfunctions. With hamstring tightness being highly prevalent, newer and effective techniques must be brought into light that show immediate effects. Objective: to study the immediate effect of hammer tone on hamstring tightness. Method: 26 participants between the ages 18-60 years were selected in the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The hamstring flexibility was tested using passive SLR and toe touch tests. The data was collected and statistically analyzed. Results: The toe touch and passive SLR test values show statistically significant improvements, with p value