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Title of the paper Improving Fitness and Well-Being in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – the Neat Way

Author Names: Priyanka Pinto, Poonam Parulekar

Journal name: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH  Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2277 - 8179

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Introduction: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrine disorder results from abnormal functioning of the hypothalamicpituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis with probable genetic contributions. Its clinical manifestations may include: menstrual irregularities, signs of androgen excess, anovulation, obesity, insulin resistance, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular events, anxiety and depression. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), is the thermogenesis or energy expended for everything that we do other than volitional exercise. It ranges from activities of daily living, fidgeting, spontaneous muscle contraction and maintaining posture, when not recumbent. NEAT varies between two people of the similar size because of people's different occupations and leisure-time activities Methodology: As per inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 subjects were included in the study and were assessed using PCOSQ, BMI, waist circumference, YMCA 3-min step test, vital capacity and sit-and-reach test. A list of the subject's ADLs were recorded. According to the NEAT principles, the subjects were given a personalized, modified list of 30 activities which were monitored by themselves and the therapist. The subjects had to maintain a record of the activities, out of which at least 10 had to be performed on a daily basis. Intervention program of four weeks was performed on the subjects. Post intervention evaluation was conducted with the same outcome measures. Results were recorded and analysed using Paired T-test. Result: There was a significant decrease in the pre and post symptoms of PCOS on the PCOSQ, BMI, Waist Circumference, YMCA 3-min Step Test and an increase in the pre and post Vital Capacity and flexibility in Sit and Reach Test. Conclusion: This study concludes that NEAT is effective in improving fitness and well-being in women with PCOS. There was a significant improvement in the parameters of PCOSQ, BMI, waist circumference, YMCA3-min step test, vital capacity and sit-and-reach test

Title of the paper: Co-relation between VC & 6 Minute Walk Test in Patients with Impaired Lung Functions.

Author Names: Shaikh, Ayesha; Parulekar, Poonam

Journal name: Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy . Jan-Mar2018, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p138-143. 6p.

Link of the article:  https://web.s.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=

Abstract: Like everywhere else in the world and especially in the developing world; India is changing - not only in terms of its demographics, urbanization, economic profile, pollution but also in terms of its health burden, disease pattern, dominant-disease-composition, morbidity and mortality determinants. The VC of the lungs is a critical component of good health. It is an indispensable measure for the diagnosis of pulmonary mechanical limitation as well as for adequation of pulmonary re-expansion therapy applied to patients after cardiac surgery. The evaluation of pulmonary volumes and capacities is essential to characterize pulmonary mechanical limitations in postoperative cardiac surgery patients and in obstructive disorders. Measurement of exercise capacity is an integral element in assessment of patients with cardiopulmonary disease. The 6MWT provides information regarding functional capacity, response to therapy and prognosis across a range of chronic cardiopulmonary conditions. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Patient s & written informed consent was signed. Subjects were evaluated. Pulmonary function(VC) was assesed by spirometry, at the PFT lab..6-MWT was performed on the 5th postoperative day CABG; 1st post-operative day PTCA and OPD basis for Obstructive disorder. The study showed that the VC and the 6 MWT was also reduced in post cardiac surgery and obstructive group of subjects. There is NO statistical significant correlation between VC and 6 MWT in post cardiac surgery and obstructive group of subjects. Though the pattern showed most of subjects with a better VC covered more distance in 6 MWT.


Title of the paper: Assessment of Balance in Individuals Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

Author Names: Pooja Madhukar Kamble1, Poonam Parulekar

 Link of the article: https://medicopublication.com/index.php/ijpot/article/view/11313/10458


Background: COPD being a common preventable and treatable disease, in spite of which half a million people die every year in India. COPD being one of the leading cause of death in Maharashtra, compared to deaths due to ischemic heart diseases, stroke and diabetes all put together. Method ; 62 subjects suffering from COPD were screened, and 30 subjects meeting the inclusion - exclusion criteria were selected to be a part of the COPD group. 60 healthy subjects were screened and 30 subjects meeting the inclusion - exclusion criteria were selected to be a part of the control group. Informed consent was acquired from both of them. Basic personal and demographic data was recorded with a written consent. Conclusion; Study suggested that balance assessment and treatment should be incorporated in the treatment plan of the COPD patients. Treatment should concentrate on both (static and dynamic) the component. Thus helping the patient to improve their balance and quality of life

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