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As an initiative to encourage ‘exchange of ideas’ and ‘innovative thinking’ the ‘Student’s Journal Club’ (SJC) has been launched. The SJC caters to all the departments at SOS (Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Statistics). The SJC meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month wherein either a faculty member or a student delivers a talk on a scientific topic. The SJC gives a chance to students to actively participate and develop their presentation skills. New students get the opportunity to develop newer research ideas through sharing of information with students doing their Doctoral studies. Moreover, students get the opportunity to understand subjects in fields that are essentially not their own.


Scam Compliance and the Psychology of Persuasion
Modic D, Lea SEG. Social Science Research Network. 2013. Doi. 10.2139/ssrn.2364464

Ms. Rucha Vaishampayan M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Investigating Pupil’s Idea of Learning
Berry J, Sahlberg P. Learning and Instruction. 1996. 6(1): 19-36.

Mr. Tarun Jain
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Consumers Attitude Towards Organic Food
Stolz H, Stolze M, Hamm U, Janssen M, Ruto E. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 2011. 58 (3-4): 67-72.

Ms. Sneha Gurav
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance From Multinucleated Bacterial Filaments
Bos J, Zhang Q, Vyawahare S, Rogers E, Rosenberg SM, Austin RH. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 2015. 112(1): 178-183.

Ms. Kanchan Hariramani
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


siRNA-based Spherical Nucleic Acids Reverse Impaired Wound Healing In Diabetic Mice By Ganglioside GM3 Synthase Knockdown
Randeria PS, Seeger MA, Wang XQ, Wilson H, Shipp D, Mirkin CA, Paller AS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 2015. 112(18): 5573-5578.

Ms. Juilee Kadam
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


Impact of Sports Celebrity Endorsements on the Purchase Intentions of Pakistani Youth
Baig FN, Siddiqui KA. Journal of Independent Studies and Research. 2012. 10(1): 2449140

Mr. Akash Datavkar
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Surviving the Global Recession and the Demand for Auto Industry in The U.S. – A Case for Ford Motor Company
Hiraide N. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 2012. 4(5): 85-93.

Mr. Anish Chakraborty
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


The Functional Basis of Face Evaluation
Oosterhof NN, Todorov A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 2008. 105(32): 11087-11092.

Ms. Sapna Tiwari
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Research Colloquium: Process Analytics Enabled Green Technologies for Processing of Poorly Soluble Drugs

Ms. Samira Kargutkar
Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: Process Analytics Enabled Green Technologies for Processing of Poorly Soluble Drugs

Ms. Miloni Thakkar
Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Profitability And Credit Culture Of NPAS: An Empirical Analysis Of PSBs
Rajput N, Gupta M, Chauhan AK. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services and Management Research. 2012. 9: 91-109.

Ms. Swati Singh
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Risk-Taking Behaviors Among Israeli Adolescents Exposed to Recurrent Terrorism: Provoking Danger Under Continuous Threat?
Pat-Horenczyk R, Peled O, Miron T, Brom D, Villa Y, Chemtob CM. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2007. 164(1): 66-72.

Ms. Anjana Rose Bobby
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Where Do Terrorists Come From?
Ozdogan A. Social Science Research Network. 2006. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.904523

Ms. Nishita Bhattacharya
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment: A Field Study
Sendogdu AA, Kocabacak A, Guven S. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013.99: 818–827

Ms. Gayatri Mani
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Predicting the Winner in One Day International Cricket
Bandulasiri A. Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education. 3(1).

Mr. Niranjan Rane
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Fluorouracil Loaded Eudragit Fibers Prepared by Electrospinning
Illangakoon UE, Yu DG, Ahmad BS, Chatterton NP, Williams GR. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2015. 495(2): 895-902.

Mr. Neil Murali
M.Sc. Student, Chemistry


Natural Variation in Gene Expression Modulates the Severity of Mutant Phenotypes
Vu V, Verster AJ, Schertzberg M, Chuluunbaatar T, Spensley M, Pajkic D, Hart GT, Moffat J, Fraser AG. Cell. 2015. 162(2): 391–402

Ms. Simona Fernandes
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: Advanced Spectroscopic techniques for nano/bio materials.

Ms. Delina Joseph
Ph.D. Student, Chemical Sciences


Research Colloquium: Advanced Spectroscopic techniques for nano/bio materials.

Ms. Shaheen Pathan
Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Chemical Sciences


By Promoting Cell Differentiation, Mir-100 Sensitizes Basal-Like Breast Cancer Stem Cells to Hormonal Therapy.
Petrelli A, Carollo R, Cargnelutti M, Iovino F, Callari M, Cimino D, Todaro M, Mangiapane LR, Giammona A, Cordova A, Montemurro F, Taverna D,Daidone MG, Stassi G, Giordano S. Oncotarget. 2015. 6(4): 2315-2330.

Ms. Amruta Parmar
Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Engineering Functionalized Multiphased Silicon/Silicon Oxide Nanobiomaterials to Passivate the Aggressive Proliferation of Cancer.
Premnath P, Tan B, Venkatakrishnan K. Scientific Reports. 2015. 5:12141.

Ms. Aishwarya Shetty
Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


An Importance-Performance Analysis of Hotel Selection Factors in the Hong Kong Hotel Industry: A Comparison of Business and Leisure Travelers.
Chu RKS, Choi T. Tourism Management. 2000. 21(4): 363-377.

Mr. Rohan Shinde
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Effect of Store Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Intention.
Hussain R, Ali M. International Journal of Marketing Studies. 2015. 7(2): 35-43.

Ms. Harshada Salunke
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Sentiment Analysis of Tweets to Predict TV Ratings.
Litton I.
Available at: http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/statsp/52

Mr. Sourav Saha
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Cardiac Engraftment of Genetically-Selected Parthenogenetic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes.
Yang T , Rubart M, Soonpaa MH, Didié M, Christalla P, Zimmermann WH, Field LJ. PLoS ONE. 2015. 10(6): e0131511

Ms. Divya Desai
Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Evolutionary Consequence of a Trade-Off between Growth and Maintenance along with Ribosomal Damages.
Ying BW, Honda T, Tsuru S, Seno S, Matsuda H, Kazuta Y, Yomo T. PLoS ONE. 2015. 10(8): e0135639.

Ms. Vrundali Shinde Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: 3D Organ Printing.

Ms. Akshata Raut Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: 3D Organ Printing.

Ms. Swati Chitrangi Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Customer Churn Analysis: Churn Determinants and Mediation Effects of Partial Defection in the Korean Mobile Telecommunications Service Industry.

Ahn JH, Han SP, Lee YS. Telecommunications Policy. 2006. 30(10-11): 552-568.

Ms. Maitreyee Pathare
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


An Examination of the Effectiveness of An 8-Week Bikram Yoga Program on Mindfulness, Perceived Stress and Physical Fitness.

Hewett ZL. Thesis. M.Sc. in Exercise and Sport Studies, Behavioral Studies Boise State University. 2010.

Ms. Pranita Natraj
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Influence of Corporate Image on Brand Personality: A Customer’s Perspective.

Upadhyay RK, Agrawal KK. Prestige International Journal of Management & IT – Sanchayan. 2014. 3(1): 98-109.

Ms. Priya Raikar
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Glypican-1 identifies cancer exosomes and detects early pancreatic cancer.

Melo SA, Luecke LB, Kahlert C, Fernandez AF, Gammon ST, Kaye J, LeBleu VS, Mittendorf EA, Weitz J, Rahbari N, Reissfelder C, Pilarsky C, Fraga MF, Piwnica-Worms D, Kalluri R. Nature. 2015. 523: 177-182.

Ms. Shreya Dhume
Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Optogenetic control of nerve growth.

Park S, Koppes RA, Froriep UP, Jia X, Achyuta AKH, McLaughlin BL, Anikeeva P. Scientific Reports. 2015. 5: 9669.

Mr. Abhishek Singh
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: Advances in Mass Spectrometry Ionization Technique - DESI MS.

Ms. Juilee Patwardhan
Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: Advances in Mass Spectrometry Ionization Technique - DESI MS.

Ms. Divya Pillai
Ph.D. Student, Chemical Sciences


A Quantitative Assessment on 26/11 Mumbai Attack using Social Network Analysis.

Azad S, Gupta A. Journal of Terrorism Research. 2011. 2(2): 4-14.

Ms. Jaya Mirchandani
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Metro Station Operating Costs: An Econometric Analysis.

Quddus M, Harris N, Graham DJ. Journal of Public Transportation. 2007. 10(2): 93-107.

Ms. Akshita Mamania
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Using Decision Tree Model and Logistic Regression to Predict Companies Financial Bankruptcy in Tehran Stock Exchanges.

Doolatabadi HR, Hoseini SM, Tahmasebi R. International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology. 2013. 2(9): 7-16.

Ms. Sanjana Lade
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


On the Applicability of Credit Scoring Models in Egyptian Banks.

Abdou H, El-Masry A, Pointon J. Banks and Bank Systems.2007. 2(1): 4-20.

Ms. Aishwarya Deshmukh
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


A Study Pertaining to Investment Behavior of Individual Investors in Coimbatore City.

Parimalakanthi K, Kumar MA. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies. 2015. 3(6): 149-157.

Ms. Payal Bhatoa
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


The Efficacy of Genotype® MTBDRplus Assay in Rapid Detection of Rifampicin and Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Isolates.

Singh SS, Desai PB. International Journal of Science and Research. 2015. 4 (3): 1092-1096.

Mr. Chetan Patil
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


Solvent Separating Secondary Metabolites Directly from Biosynthetic Tissue for Surface-assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry.

Rudd D, Benkendorff K, Voelcker NH. Marine Drugs. 2015. 13: 1410-1431.

Ms. Shreya Pathak
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


The Impact of Credit Risk on Profitability Performance of Commercial Bank in Ethiopia.

Gizaw M, Kebede M, Selvaraj S. African Journal of Business Management. 2015. 9(2): 59-66.

Mr. Sourav Saha
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Low self-control and cybercrime: Exploring the Utility of the General Theory of Crime Beyond Digital Piracy.

Donner CM, Marcum CD, Jennings WG, Higgins GE, Banfield J. Computers in Human Behavior. 2014. 34: 165-172.

Ms. Priya Raikar
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Assessing Satisfaction: A Study on International Passengers using Nepal Airlines.

Mahato AK. AU Journal of Management. 2011. 9(1): 43-52.

Mr. Niranjan Rane
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5 Phosphorylation of Familial Prion Protein Mutants Exacerbates Conversion Into Amyloid Structure.

Rouget R, Sharma G, LeBlanc AC. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015. 290(9): 5759-5771.

Ms. Shruti Gadagakar
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences


The relationships between motivation type and sport participation among students in a South African context.

van Heerden CH. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management. 2014. 5(6): 66-71.

Ms. Pranita Natraj
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Effects of airline service quality on airline image and passengers loyalty: Findings from Arik Air Nigeria passengers.

Geraldine O, David CU. International Journal of Current Research. 2013. 5(7): 1969-1974.

Ms. Suman Patel
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Impact of Flow of FDI and FII on Indian Stock Market.

Sultana ST, Pardhasaradhi S. Finance Research. 2012. 1(3): 4-10.

Mr. Harish Mourya
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Research Colloquium: Nanotheranostics with Nanobubbles.

Ms. Supriya Bharte
Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Research Colloquium: Nanotheranostics with Nanobubbles.

Ms. Yashika Mirchandani
Ph.D. Student, Biological Sciences


Empirical analysis of rupee fluctuations against US dollar in post liberalization period (1991-2013) in India.

Vijayalakshmi D, Loganayaki V. International Journal of Management Focus. 2013: 1-6.

Ms. Swati Mishra
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


A study on quality of work life at telecom industries with special reference to Coimbatore.

Mishra S. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT & Social Sciences. 2014. 4(7): 10-22.

Ms. Jaya Mirchandani
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Rural Brand Awareness and Preferences for FMCGs: An Empirical Study on Keonjhar District of Odisha, India.

Pradhan J, Misra DP. IOSR Journal of Business and Management. 2014. 16(9): 17-29.

Mr. Irfan Mohd.
M.Sc. Student, Statistics


Effect of Anti-Mullerian Hormone in Culture Medium on Quality of Mouse Oocytes Matured In Vitro.

Zhang Y, Shao L, Xu Y, Cui Y, Liu J, Chian RC. PLoS ONE. 2014. 9(6): e99393.

Ms. Bhairavi Chavan
M.Sc. Student, Biological Sciences



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