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The spectrum of M. Sc. ASA covers everything from core concepts to practical applications of Statistics in the industry. In addition, students should be given a chance to explore more techniques and applications which are in demand in the Analytics industry.

In order to provide students with a platform to divulge more into the field with backing from the faculty and the department, Analytics Cell aims at building the caliber of M. Sc. ASA students even further so they get a fresh perspective about the field and can use their creativity to come up with innovative solutions.

Analytics Cell (2020-21)

Heads and Responsibilities

List of Organising Committee Members-




Chaitra Joshi


MSc. ASA Part 1

Varun Parmar

Vice President

MSc. Statistics Part 1

Chelsi Fagniya

Admin Head

MSc. Statistics Part 1

Malavika Sathyanarayanan

Marketing Head

MSc. Statistics Part 1

Shubhangi Krishnan

Literary Head

MSc. ASA Part 1

Aashna Ganguly

Social Media Manager

MSc. Statistics Part 1

Harshit Ajmera

Analytics Club Head

MSc. Statistics Part 1

Yukta Mehra

Hackathon Head

MSc. ASA Part 1

Chinmay Parulekar

Content Head

MSc. ASA Part 1

Akanksha Singh

Creatives Head

MSc. ASA Part 1

Gargi Guhe

BSc. Prefect

BSc. ASA Year 3

Sanskriti Sriram

BSc. Prefect

BSc. ASA Year 3


Guidance Lecture for DigiHack 2021-

The Analytics Cell kicked off the holiday season with a Hackathon Guidance Session for DigiHack on 26th December 2020. The esteemed Guest Speakers - Rutuja Udyawar (Founder, Optimum Data Analytics) and Nilesh Waradkar (Director, Forecasting and Optimization, Pristine Infotech) gave competitive guidance in Structural Data Analysis.

The speakers covered the topics of Business Problem Solving, Methods of Data Collection, as also the types of data students have dealt with. They also spoke about EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) and Data Quality Assessment, which was beautifully explained using an example dataset, with emphasis on data preparation and cleaning. The session moved further along with Feature Engineering, Model Deployment and Decision Trees. Ms. Rutuja Udyawar also discussed how to handle datasets and areas of importance while doing so along with a comparison between judgmental and statistical methods. The session concluded with an open and interactive Q&A.

DigiHack 2021-

Students of SDSOS eagerly participated in the first ever online hackathon conducted by the Analytics cell of SDSOS. The event took place on 8th-10th January 2021 with the presentations of the finalists taking place on 10th January.

On 8th of January, Chaitra Joshi, president of the Analytics Cell gave an introduction of the problem set alongside the announcement of problem statement and the rules and regulations of the hackathon. As per the problem statement of the DigiHack, participating teams had to build a customer defaulting model based on the given dataset from banking sector. Participants had 24-hour time duration for submission of the project report alongside with programming codes used for the process of model building. On the next day, the top 7 teams were announced as finalists by the faculty, Dr. Leena Kulkarni, Dr. Pradnya Khandeparkar and Prof. Shraddha Sarode which then went on to present their work on the final day.

"404 Found”, the only BSc. team to qualify, kick started the show. Continued by "Bits Please”, "Byte Karma”, "Decoders”, "Hack & Five”, "Hackoverflow” and last but not the least "Runtime Terror” the team with a mere three participants, which went on to win the competition.

All teams showcased superb presentations with each of them elucidating their analysis beautifully. The event was judged by Ms. Rutuja Udyawar, Founder, Optimum Data Analytics. Thanks to her presence, there was informative interaction and cross questioning. The judge was also kind enough to provide valuable feedback to all the teams, providing them important insights of the analytics world and real-life problem-solving approach.

The event concluded with remarks from our esteemed judge and guest Mrs. Rutuja Udyawar and our own teachers who helped make this event a huge success, Dr. Leena Kulkarni, Dr. Pradnya Khandeparkar and Prof. Shraddha Sarode. The event was a triumphant win for the Analytics Cell and a fun, insightful, unique and exhilarating experience for all the participants.

Winners of Digihack 2021

Analytics Cell 2019- 2020 


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