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One Day Seminar on Synthetic Biology - 2025

Faculty Name - Dr. Bajarang Kumbhar, Convener

Role Played – Convener

Date: 21st February 2025

Place – Mukesh Patel 'Mini Auditorium'

1) Broucher Synthetic-Biology

2) Program -Scehdule-Synthetic-Biology

3) Abstract-Book-22-02-2025

4) Final-Report

Annual Symposium on Biomathematics Ecology Education and Research 2020 (eBEER 2020)

Faculty Name - Dr. Debasmita Mukherjee

Role Played – Contributed talk: A Mathematical Model Illustrating Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation

13-11-2020 to 15-11-2020

Place – Online

Dynamics of Biological Systems: from Viruses to Populations organized by  Jagiellonian University, Krakaow, Poland, Europe.

Faculty Name - Dr. Debasmita Mukherjee

Role Played – Contributed talk: Mathematical Investigation of Early Atherosclerosis

23-09-2020 to 25-09-2020

Place – Online

Annual Meeting of Society for Mathematical Biology (eSMB2020)

Faculty Name - Dr. Debasmita Mukherjee

Role Played –  Poster presentation: Mathematical Investigation of Early Atherosclerosis

17-08-2020 to 20-08-2020

Place – Online

BOS meeting

Faculty Name - Dr. Pradnya Khandeparkar

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Sophia College, Mumbai

Bioanalytical Science

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Department of Bioanalytical Sciences, Ruia College, Mumbai

BOS Meeting

Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played – BOS Member


Place – Mithibai College, Mumbai

1st Student Research Congress

Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played - Judge


Place - BNCP and University of Mumbai

Doctoral Thesis Progress Evaluator

Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played - Doctoral Committee Member


Place – ACTREC, Mumbai

Workshop on Research Methodology for Hospital and Practising Dieticians

Faculty Name - Dr. Pradnya Khandeparkar

Role Played - Resourse Person

26 -9-202 to 27-09-2020

Place - Indian Dietetic Association

Dynamics of Biological Systems: from Viruses to Populations

Faculty Name - Dr. Debasmita Mukherjee

Role Played – Participant

23-09-2020 to 25-09-2020

Place – Online


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Department of Biotechnology at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai

SMB 2020 Annual Meeting

Faculty Name - Dr. Debasmita Mukherjee

Role Played – Participant

17-08-2020 to 20-08-2020

Place – Online


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Department of Biotechnology at Mithibai College, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Department of Biotechnology at Junjhunwalla College, Mumbai

Jigyaasa-Science Honors Program

Faculty Name - Dr. Pradnya Khandeparkar

Role Played - Judge


Place – K. C. College, Mumbai

Bioanalytical Science

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - BOS member


Place - Department of Bioanalytical Sciences, Ruia College, Mumbai

Certificate/Diploma/Undergraduate course in Botany

Faculty Name - Dr. Harinder Singh

Role Played - Subject Expert


Place - Botany Department, St. Xavier's college, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - External examiner (Practical exam) for Sem - III Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Name of the Programme - B.Pharm

Place - NMIMS SPP-SPTM, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Leena Kulkarni

Role Played - Judge for the intercollegiate project competition

Name of the Programme - Intercollegiate visual story telling competition as a part of 'Statistika' under DBT Star College Scheme Activity

Place - Jhunjhunwala College, Mumbai

06-11-2019 to 07-11-2019

Faculty Name - Shraddha Sarode

Role Played - External Examiner (Practical and Oral)

Name of the Programme - B.Tech (Information Technology) SEM VII

Place - Usha Mittal Institute of Technology, Mumbai

03-10-2019 to 05-10-2019

Faculty Name - Dr. Harinder Singh

Role Played – External Examiner

Name of the Programme – Microbiology Department examination

Place – St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played – BOS Member

Name of the Programme – BOS Meeting

Place – Mithibai College, Mumbai

29 -08 -2019

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Invited Speaker

Name of the Programme - National Workshop in Recent Advances in Immuno-Proteomics

Place - CSIR, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) New Delhi


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played – BOS Member

Name of the Programme – BOS Meeting

Place – Dept. of Bioanalytical Science, Ruia College, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played – Panelist and Speaker

Name of the Programme - New Zealand- India Academic Conclave 2019

Place - Education New Zealand Consulate


Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played - Invited Speaker and Resource Person

Name of the Programme - AVISHKAR Orientation Workshop

Place – Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai


Faculty Name- Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme – Annual Meeting of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany

Organising Body / Inst - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany


Faculty Name- Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme – UGC sponsored workshop on SPARC and Research Integrity awareness

Organising Body / Inst - IUCAA, Pune

13-03-2019 to 15-03-2019

Faculty Name- Prof. Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme – 5-day workshop on Enhancing of teaching and learning Skills in Statistics

Organising Body / Inst - Central University of Rajasthan , Ajmer

18-03-2019 to 19-03-2019

Faculty Name- Prof. Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme – Annual Market Research Seminar

Organising Body / Inst - Market Research Society of India

27-02-2019 to 01-03-2019

Faculty Name- Dr. Raghunath M.

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme – Three Day National Workshop on R

Organising Body / Inst - Department of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore, Mysore


Faculty Name- Dr. Poonam Parulekar

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme - Respiratory Workshop, on occasion of World TB Day

Organising Body / Inst - Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai


Faculty Name- Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played – Participant

Name of the Programme - Symposium on women’s cancers: Cervical, Breast, Ovarian

Organising Body / Inst - CPAA and HN Hospital


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played-Participant

Name of the Programme -One-day workshop on 3D printing and applications

Place -Shree Bhaghubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic

Organising Body / Inst. -Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, NMIMS

09 – 01 – 2019

Faculty Name -Prof. Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Role Played-Panel Member of Core Committee (Corporate Membership)

Name of the Programme -Talk on "Market Research" by Professor Audhesh Paswan, Associate Dean academic affairs, College of Business, University of North Texas.

Place -MRSI Office, Bandra, Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. -Market Research Society of India (MRSI)


19 – 01 – 2019

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Participant

Name of the Programme -One-day workshop on 3D printing and applications

Place - Shree Bhaghubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic

Organising Body / Inst. - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, NMIMS

09 – 01 – 2019

Faculty Name - Prof. Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Role Played - Panel Member of Core Committee (Corporate Membership)

Name of the Programme -Talk on "Market Research" by Professor Audhesh Paswan, Associate Dean academic affairs, College of Business, University of North Texas.

Place - MRSI Office, Bandra, Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Market Research Society of India (MRSI)

16/17 – 11 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Harinder Singh
Role Played - External Examiner
Name of the Programme - External Examiner for M. Sc. II - Life Science Practical Exam
Place - St. Xavier's college, Mumbai
Organising Body / Inst. - St. Xavier's college, Mumbai

13 – 10 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt
Role Played - SBC member invitee
Name of the Programme - Annual Meeting for Society of Biological Chemists (SBC) – Mumbai Chapter
Place - ICT, Mumbai
Organising Body / Inst. - Society of Biological Chemists (SBC) – Mumbai Chapter.

5 – 05 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt
Role Played - External Examiner
Name of the Programme - Invited as an external examiner for practical exam for Molecular and Cell
Place - SPP-SPTM
Organising Body / Inst. - SPP-SPTM NMIMS.

30 – 04 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Brijesh S.
Role Played - Examiner
Name of the Programme - Examiner for the third year B.Pharm practical examination
Place - SPP-SPTM
Organising Body / Inst. - SPP-SPTM NMIMS.

26 – 04 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Savitri Joshi
Role Played - External Examiner
Name of the Programme - Masters' Project Thesis Final Presentation
Place - Department of Mathematics Institute of Chemical Technology
Organising Body / Inst. Department of Mathematics Institute of Chemical Technology.

26 – 04 – 2018

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt
Role Played - Invited Speaker
Name of the Programme - Invited Talk- "Investigation of anti-cancer activity of bio compatible arsenic trioxide nanoparticles on cancer cell lines"
Place - Foundation for Medical Research (FMR), Mumbai
Organising Body / Inst. - Invited talk at Foundation for Medical Research (FMR).


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Invited Speaker

Name of the Programme - Invite talk on "Cell Culture: Techniques and Applications"- at Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina.

Place - University of Mumbai, Kalina, Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina.


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Invited Speaker

Name of the Programme - Invite talk on "PCR and ELISA"- at National Seminar on Diagnostic Techniques in Biological Sciences and their Applications

Place - SIES College, Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Chairperson for Oral Presentations

Name of the Programme - "BIOINNOVA"- National Conference on Food, Nutrition and Healthcare

Place - Thakur College, Kandivali (E)

Organising Body / Inst. - Thakur College of Science and Commerce and Department of Biotechnology, University of Mumbai


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Invited Speaker

Name of the Programme - National Training on Development and Characterization of Fish Cell Lines for Biotechnological Applications

Place - CIFE, Mumbai

Year 2017


Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Role Played - Invited Speaker

Name of the Programme - Advances in Nano-biotechnological tools in Fisheries

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai

16 & 17-11-2017

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - External Examiner

Name of the Programme - Invited as External examiner for MSc practicals

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - St. Xaviers College

20-22 October 2017

Faculty Name - Prof Leena Kulkarni

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Reliability Theory & Survival Analysis Presented a paper entitled Parameter Estimation in Series and Parallel Multi-state Coherent Systems with Positively Quadrant Dependent Data

Place - Kolkata

Organising Body / Inst. - Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata

23 October 2017 to 4 November 2017

Faculty Name - Prof. Prashant Dhamale

Role Played - Participant

Name of the Programme - Instructional School for Teachers (Asymptotical Theory of Statistical Inference)

Place - Pune

Organising Body / Inst. - National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) (A joint centre of TIFR and IIT Mumbai)

23 October 2017 to 4 November 2017

Faculty Name - Dr. Savitri Joshi

Role Played - Participant

Name of the Programme - Instructional School for Teachers (Asymptotical Theory of Statistical Inference)

Place - Pune

Organising Body / Inst. - National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) (A joint centre of TIFR and IIT Mumbai)

19th August 2017

Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Recent Advances in Chemical Biology

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Society of Biological Chemists (India) Mumbai Chapter, UM-DAE Centre of Excellence in Basic Sciences

10-11 August 2017

Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Role Played - Expert Member

Name of the Programme - Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Leprosy

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. Of India, & World Health Organization


Faculty Name - Prof Leena Kulkarni

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Seminar on Mathematics

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - IIT Bombay, Powai

20-02-2017 to 21-02-2017

Faculty Name - Prof Sunil Shirvaiker

Role Played - Participant

Name of the Programme - Talk : 26th Annual MRSI conference

Place - Bangalore

Organising Body / Inst. - MRSI (Market Research Society of India)


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - 'Molecular Basis of Oral Cancer and Clinical Implications'

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Kasturba Health Science

08-02-2017 to 17-02-2017

Faculty Name - Prof Sunil Shirvaiker

Role Played - Presenter

Name of the Programme - Talk : B.Sc. Applied Statistics & Analytics – Course details

Place -  Jamnabai Narsee School

Organising Body / Inst. - NMIMS Marketing


Faculty Name - Dr. Prasad Pethe

Role Played - Lecturer

Name of the Programme - Department of Biotechnology – North East Region (NER): Hands-on-Training Workshop on "Stem Cell Biology"

Place -  Navi Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) at Kharghar


Faculty Name - Dr. Aparna Khanna, Dean

Role Played - Speaker

Name of the Programme - "PHARMATECH-2017"

Place -  Navi Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Seminar on 'Beta Thalassemia Screening'

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Happy Feet Foundation


Faculty Name - Prof Sunil S. Shirvaiker, Prof Leena Kulkarni, Prof Prashant Dhamle

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Project Monitoring Committee (Statistics)

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - SDSOS, NMIMS


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Role Played - Attended

Name of the Programme - Seminar on 'Cancer Awareness'

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Corporate Staff, Amar Tea, Parel


Faculty Name - Dr. Harinder Singh

Name of the Programme - One-day Seminar Biowaves

Date - Jan 7th, 2017

Place -  Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - St. Xavier's College

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - Reflections of my Journey in Science, Golden Jubilee Conference

Date - Jan 6th, 2017

Place -  Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Sophia College


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - Seminar – Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Indian Women, Orientation Program for Volunteers, Cancer Patients Aid Association.

Date - Dec. 23, 2016

Place - Pheonix Towers.

Organising Body / Inst. - Cancer Patients Aid Association.

Role Played - Participated

06-12-2016 to 10-12-2016

Faculty Name - Dr. Sudeshna Chandra

Name of the Programme - 6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry

Date - December 6-10, 2016

Place - Society of Material Chemistry, Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - BARC

Role Played - invited speaker


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - Member – Scientific Committee Meeting, National Institute of Pathology,

Date - Dec 1, 2016

Place - New Delhi.

Organising Body / Inst. - National Institute of Pathology

Role Played - Member


Faculty Name - Dr. Prasad Pethe

Name of the Programme - International Conference on Pancreatic Disorders and Treatment Topic : "Evaluating the effect of sonic hedgehog inhibition on differentiation of hES cells into pancreatic lineage and polycomb group protein BMI1 expression

Date - October 17-19th 2016

Place - Chicago, USA

Organising Body / Inst. - Scientific Committee Operator, Pancreas 2016, Medical Conferences, 5716 Corsa Ave., Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA

Role Played - speaker at the conference


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - International conference on – Cervical Cancer – Prevention & Controlin India and Beyond, A Comprehensive Approach Towards Elimination

Date - 16-18 October 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Organised by Global Health Strategies, New York, USA

Role Played - Member - Panel discussion


Faculty Name - Dr. Harinder Singh

Name of the Programme - One day seminar at BNCP on "Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry: An Industry Perspective

Date - 1st October, 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Mumbai BNCP

Role Played -  Participation


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - Haelis Sekhseria Institute for Public Health, Fort,

Date - Sept. 27th, 2016.

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Haelis Sekhseria Institute for Public Health, Fort,

Role Played - Participated - Director


Faculty Name - Dr. Dhananjaya Saranath

Name of the Programme - UK-India Workshop on Industrial Biotechnology, Science & Innovation Network

Date - September 12th 2016.

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - British High Commission

Role Played - Participation


Faculty Name - Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Name of the Programme - Predictive Modelling using SAS

Date - 22nd August , 2016 to 27th August , 2016

Place - Sunandan Divatia School of Science.

Organising Body / Inst. - NMIMS & SAS Institute India

Role Played - Participant


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath 

Name of the Programme - Chairman, Session at National Seminar on Drug Development & Diagnostic Approaches for Tuberculosis Infection

Date - July 30th 2016.

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Dr.Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy & Radiation Medicine Centre, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,

Role Played - Chairman, Session


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath 

Name of the Programme - Contemporary Issues in Oral Cancer: A Snapshot

Date - July 29th, 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Sophia College,

Role Played - Lecture Presentation


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath 

Name of the Programme - Strategies for TB Diagnosis,

Date -  July 8th 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Hinduja Hospital & Research Centre

Role Played - Participation


Faculty Name - Dr. Anshula Pandey

Name of the Programme -  International Conference on Statistics -2016" (ICS-2016),

Date - June 27-29, 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Dept of Statistics, Mumbai University

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Annual Research Meeting,

Date - 25th June 2016

Place - Mumba

Organising Body / Inst. - Harkisandas Hospital Medical Research Centre

Role Played - Expert Member


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Symposium: Tobacco Control Developments

Date - 18th June, 2016

Place - Mhape, navi Mumbai.

Organising Body / Inst. - Haelis Sekhseria Institute of Public Health, TTC Industrial Estate, Mhape, navi Mumbai.

Role Played - Participation


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Workshop - Smart Healthcare Mission 2016: UK capabilities in Smart Healthcare

Date - 8th June 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - British Deputy High Commission, Mumbai  

Role Played - Participation


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Workshop – 'Cancer in Community Health Programs: Inputs for Community based cancer screening and treatment',

Date -  1st June 2016

Place - Pune

Organising Body / Inst. - FRCH

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Sunil S. Shirvaiker

Name of the Programme -  BASE SAS & VISUAL ANALYTICS -

Date -   9th to 19th May , 2016

Place - SAS Institute India, Apeejay House, Churchgate, Mumbai-400020.

Organising Body / Inst. - SVKM/NMIMS & SAS Institute India

Role Played - Participant


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Symposium – TB Threat: Lessons Learnt

Date -  March 29, 2016

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - NCPA Mumbai

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  International Workshop on Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Screening and Early Detection for SAARC nations

Date -  February 29- March 03, 2016

Place - Delhi

Organising Body / Inst. - Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, and UICC, Geneva

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme -  Scientific Advisory Council

Date -  March 11, 2016

Place - Noida

Organising Body / Inst. - Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology, Noida

Role Played - SAC Member


Faculty Name - Prof Sunil Shirvaiker

Name of the Programme -  25th Annual Market Research Seminar  - "Glory to the Game Changers" 

Date -  February 15- 16, 2016

Place - Hotel Westin Mumbai Garden City, Goregaon, Mumbai.

Organising Body / Inst. - Market Research Society of India

Role Played - Invited Guest


Faculty Name - Sudeshna Chandra

Name of the Programme -  Group Seminar

Title of the Talk - Fabrication of ECL biosensor based on dendrimers ruthenium-bipyridyl complex

Date -  January 19, 2016

Place - Regensburg, Germany

Organising Body / Inst. - Universität Regensburg, Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik

Role Played - Visiting Scientist


Faculty Name - Sudeshna Chandra

Name of the Programme -  Institute Seminar

Title of the Talk - Dendrimers for Biomedical Applications

Date -  January 15, 2016

Place - Regensburg, Germany

Organising Body / Inst. - Universität Regensburg, Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik

Role Played - Visiting Scientist


Faculty Name - Dr Brijesh Sukumaran

Name of the Programme - Open Day

Date - - December 04, 2015

Place - Navi Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Advanced Centre for Training, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC)

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Dr M Bhartiya

Name of the Programme - Lecture Session on Health

Title of the Talk - Health talk on Fitness & Ergonomics

Date - October 23, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - J P Morgan & CO, Malad

Role Played - Invited Speaker


Faculty Name - Dr D Saranath

Name of the Programme - £ 10 Million Longitude Prize, Antimicrobial Resistance and How to win

Date - October 16, 2015

Place - IITB

Organising Body / Inst. - British High Commission

Role Played - Chair Person


Faculty Name - Prof Sunil Shirvaiker

Name of the Programme -  Annual HR Summit

Date - September 15, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - OPPI (Organisation for Pharmaceutical producers of India)

Role Played - Participant


Faculty Name - Dr. Mansi Bhartiya

Name of the Programme -  Lecture Session on Health

Title of the Talk - Fitness & Ergonomics

Date - September 11, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. -  J. P. Morgan & CO,

Role Played - Invited Speaker


Faculty Name - Dr. Mansi Bhartiya

Name of the Programme -  Lecture Session on Health

Title of the Talk - Fitness & Ergonomics

Date - September 08, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. -  J. P. Morgan & CO,

Role Played - Invited Speaker


Faculty Name - Dr. Purvi Bhatt

Name of the Programme - Society of Biological Chemists (India) Mumbai Chapter Meeting

Date - August 22, 2015

Place - NIRRH , Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH)

Role Played - Attended


Faculty Name - Prof Sunil Shirvaiker

Name of the Programme - Careers in Statistics

Title Of the Talk - Applications of Statistics

Date - August 08, 2015

Place - Thane

Organising Body / Inst. - Dnyanasadhana College of Arts, Commerce and Science

Role Played - Invited Speaker


Faculty Name - Dr. Mansi Bhartiya

Name of the Programme - Lecture Session on Health

Title Of the Talk - Health talk on Fitness & Ergonomics

Date - August 07, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - J P Morgan & CO, Malad

Role Played - Invited Speaker


Faculty Name - Dr. D Saranath

Name of the Programme - Winners in Life Awards for Cancer Patients & Nightingale Award for Nurses in Oncology Wards

Date - August 07, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - Cancer Patients Aid Association, Mumbai

Role Played - Invited Faculty & Compere


Faculty Name - Dr. Mansi Bhartiya

Name of the Programme - Lecture Session on Health

Title of the Talk - Fitness & Ergonomics

Date - July 24, 2015

Place - Mumbai

Organising Body / Inst. - J P Morgan & CO, Malad

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